Note: The podcast and the article below are not the same. The audio presents a question. The writing below shares the reflection from the question.
Her name was Doubt. She seeped into my dreams and woke me up in the morning and tucked me in at night. Her aura was familiar, and she didn’t ask permission to sit with me. At first glance, I thought she was hinting at some form of sadness and depression. This morning, she corrected me.
The energy of the week feels like whatever has been disturbing your peace and balance is coming front and center. It is ready to be addressed and transformed.
In a season with so much change, Doubt lingers between my thoughts and in the shadowy halls of the liminal space. She reminds me that I’ve never done this before. I am not equipped, and I don’t have the knowledge and expertise to navigate this new existence and space in life. I was not chosen for this.
She always leads me into a state of overdrive. She invokes a sense of inadequacy. As the anxiety seeps in and the uneasiness keeps me from being present in my day, I start to see her for who she is.
Corporate calls it imposter syndrome. Instagram post call her “a lying ass hoe.” I prefer the latter. But for me, it is simply doubt.
A transformational season of healing has come to a completion.
We’ve navigated and uprooted the things that bring her (Doubt) front and center. But now we must let her go. I think of Anxiety on Inside Out 2. I won’t ruin it for you, but yes go see it. At this point, we release her into the abyss praying for her to shape shift into Joy or some form of balanced emotion. But she cannot steer us anymore.
Your anxiety will not keep you safe here.
A new level has been reached.
I was walking this morning and when I got to my spot of meditation. After a bit of prayer I heard “let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” It felt like a form of “it is done.” A great work has been done. It is raining right now, might I add. I think of this massive cleansing my life was receiving.
Say so. Originally as I pondered on the message, I thought of the idea of identifying who has healed you, who is working on you. Identifying the presence of the Spirit, The Ancestors, the medicine and all that comes for you highest good. But I took it a step further and realized the message was as clear as day. Speak. Tell your story. Tell a story.
Write. Create. Just be.
This great work has been done within you and though there is always more healing, but you did it! You have opened your heart to receive Grace. And people need that right now. People are longing, searching for home and for hope. Telling your story doesn’t have to complicated. It just asks us to speak up and stop hiding. Stories can be told in the way we live, the things we do, and in being more of yourself. That tells a story.
It’s giving each one teach one.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Testimony. It drives out all doubt. If you look back, that is what you CAN see. You CAN see what you have been guided through before and know that you will be guided through this next phase.
I don’t always pull out my Bible, but when I do….I read with new eyes now from the mountain top.
I read many versions of the Psalms 107. The NLT version specifically states: Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
Now I always know my ancestors are near when the Word pops up or gospel songs are echoing in my ears. There is always a message directly from them. Tell them what you know, I hear. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Step forward. Redemption. You embarked on a journey of remembrance meeting pieces of your soul along the way. And you are not the same. Say so.
You don’t need to hold on to your wounds to define yourself.
You are being made new.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
That is not who I am anymore.
Who are you now? What can you let go of that no longer controls your narrative?
with Love,
Marasia Simone
Sip slowly on something nourishing. Sweet. Consider what makes you feel most in your body. I’m thinking of nourishing and grounding herbs.
Nettle Leaf
Rose Petals (always and forever)
Lemon Balm
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